You can increase chances for lasting relationship success when you are clear, confident and optimistic.
If you’re not, that’s where I come in. I am passionate about helping singles find loving and lasting relationships.
Sheryl Spangler, Certified Relationship Specialist
I am a certified relationship coach, online dating advisor and professional matchmaker. Using these skills, along with others I learned during years of corporate recruiting and coaching, I reduce and often eliminate the anxiety and guesswork related to the dating process. I work with singles to better understand themselves and what they want, which is a great start toward de-mystifying romance and making dreams come true.
My approach is unique—I provide sound, personalized guidance before your search begins, while it’s going on and after you’ve partnered up. I alert you to common relationship traps and derailments, help change patterns that don’t serve you and ward off trouble that can lead to confusion, disappointment and sometimes, heartbreak. I credit my numerous successful outcomes—including marriages—to unwavering dedication to getting you “ready to be found.” That could mean redefining your ideal mate, overcoming preconceptions, learning lessons from past relationships, and more.

When you are ready to find your ideal partner, contact me to talk about programs and services best suited to you.
Happiness awaits!
What Clients are Saying…
“It was a whole lot easier to blend two lives when I was 27. Now, divorced in mid-life, there are so many working parts that the process of meeting someone new gets frustrating. You’ve kept me focused on the prize and optimistic that some guy that’s right for me IS out there!”
Leigh M
“…Connecting with Sheryl and enrolling in her “Find Love After 40” program was the best thing I could have done. I had been dating all the wrong kind of men and could not figure out why the pattern continued. Through the process I learned so much about me and what I want and need in a relationship. I am now in a significant relationship and couldn’t be happier.”
Peggy J
“Sheryl is gifted not just because she is a relationship expert, but because she also understands human complexities and relationship possibilities.”
Torsten R